1.0.0 (Oct 20, 2023)

  • Updated

Version 1.0

Date: Oct 20, 2023


✨ Features

High-performance cloth simulation

  • Cloth simulation runs fast even with high-resolution mesh
  • Supports air pressure to simulate winter down jackets
  • Accurate collision handling with multi-layered clothes
  • Environment effects like wind and gravity

Change your avatar to metahuman and anything

  • Users can easily assign their avatars as simulation avatars
  • Keep your clothes and replace the avatar you’d like to use

Change mesh types

  • Users can change mesh quality (resolution) interactively
  • Users can change the thickness of the front and back of thickened mesh to express cloth thickness realistically
  • Various thickened mesh boundary options: flat, round, double and outline

Various physical properties

  • Physical properties are user-editable to express realistic fabric movement
  • Natural wrinkle effect
  • Easy physical properties changes with presets

Run cloth simulation in your Unreal Engine Environment

  • Assign meshes as simulation objects and change their physical properties
  • Support three simulation object types: Dynamic, Static and Kinematic. Dynamic is a deformable object. Static is a non-animated collider. Kinematic is an animated collider
  • Once the zls file is loaded, the avatar can be easily swapped or added in Unreal Engine to maximize the user's workflow

Seamless integration

  • Cloth design and simulation can be performed in the optimal tool respectively
  • Dramatically reduce the time wasted transferring large cache files between the cloth design tool and Unreal Engine
  • Provide material shader preset for user convenience



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