Import garment

  • Updated

Operation Method

  1. Import the garment by z-unreal
    • Go to the top menu z-unreal and click open zls file (*.zls)
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    • Select the zls file
    • Check the import optionUntitled (33).png
    • Import Avatar Mesh
      Check this option to import avatar with garments.
    • Create Material Instance

      Check this option to create material instance.

      Material instance allows you to change the appearance of a material without incurring an recompilation of the material. You can customize the attributes listed under Parameter Groups from this interface.

      If you want to adjust texture scale, activate U/V Tiling and control it on the Global Scalar Parameter Va tab. You can change the texture color with Color Tint on the Global Vector Parameter Va.

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    • When it is succussed, there will bezls folder in the Content Browser
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    • Inside the ZLS folder, there will be a folder which has the same name as zls file (*.zls)
    • Drag and drop the blueprint class file into the viewport
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      ※Note: If some patterns are invisible, turn on he Show Thickness option on the pattern properties or turn on the Two Sided option on the `Material Editor`
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  2. Set the transform(location) of the garment to match that of the avatar.

    You can change the deform values if you need a more sophisticated arrangement.
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  3. On the left Placer Actors, search Zelus Simulation Manager and drag-drop it into a viewport. If applied successfully, the zls actor is created in the outliner.
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  4. Click Zelus Simulation Management on the outliner and set the simulation properties.
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    ZelusSimulationManager Properties

    1. On the detail tab, you can control simulation environments like simulation speed, collision option, and air resistance.

    2. Assign Garment object

      There will be Zelus Scene Array option. You can click the + icon and assign the zls file (*.zls) as a garment
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    3. Assign Avatar object

      There will be Mesh Actor Array option. Click the + icon to assign avatar files like FBX or Metahuman.

      ※Note: If an avatar has multiple mesh parts, you can add and set multiple Mesh Actor Array
    4. Activate the Fixed Frame Rate option

  5. You can modify and change the physical properties of the imported garment.
    • Select the zls file(*.zls) blueprint on the outliner and go to the Detail tab
    • Select patterns under DefaultSceneRoot that applied physical properties.
    • When you select a pattern, you can see the Zelus tab in the tab below and expand the Properties tab below it to change its physical properties with the options below
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  6. Click the play button to simulate the garment and avatar.

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    ※Note: Using the Simulate mode may cause the screen to freeze. Therefore, it is recommended to use other options.

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    ※Note: When the zipper texture doesn’t match, please set the UV tiling as 10
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