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Version 3.0.0
Date: Jan 9, 2024
✨ New features
Live editing
Enable to edit patterns without simulation reset!
You can arrange the patterns during pause mode.
with z-launcher
When you sign in, z-launcher will run the z-emotion site, and you can sign in via the website.
Export 3D to mp4 using ‘3D capture’
The image capture has been updated to 3D capture!
Select File format as
Highlight option applied patterns in color on the 3D vie
Right-click the empty space on the 3D view, and turn the Show options on/off.
Divide Curve Dialogue
Divide tool added (2D Action tool > Curve/Divide curve
You can add points to the curves by only clicking.
When you right-click on the curve with the divide curve tool, the dialogue will appear
Sewing Distance
You can set the distance between sewing seams.
Move and rotate the avatar
You can move/rotate the avatar with gizmo after clicking the avatar in the 3D view
You also can control the transform values on the panel
Avatar body preset
You can save the Default avatar's body parameters
Importing and exporting avatar body parameters into preset
Avatar thickness
You can set the avatar thickness on the
>Avatar physical properties
Fabric Import and Export
You can import and export fabric in u3ma format.
Click fabric texture and physic each, and right-click on the texture and click the export menu.
If you select a physic preset on the list when exporting, the physic data will be exported together.
Opacity control by slider
When it goes to 0, the fabric is more transparent.
Show stitch textures in the 2D view
When you turn on the 2D texture on the viewing tools, you can see the texture of the stitches.
Add some pattern properties on zipper properties
show in 3D view/ join in simulation
collision/ hold/ harden
2D rotation/ activation order/ layer number
Detect broken files
If the file is broken, the program detects it and shows the message that includes the link to
submit request
Support high-resolution monitor
Icons and fonts are more visible in high-resolution screens.
Background scale
You can control the background scale.
- Go to
Rendering panel
>Background scale
By controlling the anti-aliasing level, you can run the program on the lower-spec PC
Go to
Rendering panel
⚡️ Improvements
Multiple folds in 3d
You can conduct ‘fold in 3d’ multiple times on a pattern
Change curve creation method
- We benchmarked Adobe Illustrator.
- The point on the curve will be created as a smooth point as a default.
- When you click the point during curve creation, it will be changed into a non-smooth point. So, the former curve shape will not affect the next curve shape.
- Undo action doesn't make curve drawing stop. You can draw curves continuously after undo
Distinguish simulation mode and design mode
- You can check the current mode on the below.
Measure disconnected curves' lengths using a measurement tool.
- You can measure disconnected curve length like a sewing tool.
Remove history data on zls
- Its file size is too big, and there is a chance of malfunction because it contains old history.
Add avatar assets
- Woman’s shoes and hair are updated
- Man’s shoes are updated
Change avatar accessories during a simulation
Avatar speed change during a simulation
- If the avatar animation starts too fast, you can set animation speed as 0 and then speed up after draping
Show no avatar when switching avatar type for the first time
Allow to keep tacks when changing avatar
- Yes ) Remove all tacks and change the avatar
- No ) Keep the tacks and change the avatar
Import OBJ avatar’s texture
Importing custom OBJ assets
- You can import OBJ assets as a folder
Allow Default Stitch duplication
Button alignment
- Align buttons like buttonholes
Keep the original size of the artwork
- The program will detect the original size of the artwork. So you don't need to drag when adding a new artwork.
- The preview will show you the original size of the artwork.
Image capture as shown in 3d view
- You can capture the pressure map and wireframe with 3D capture
Add simulation properties name
- collision force/ collision relaxation
- untangling force/ untangling relaxation
Jittering/Untangling/Layer improvement
Minor improvements
Update translation
Update the rozy file version
Update zw icon/splash/wizard
Add a link on the message dialogue "zw is already running"
Update copyright 2024
Widen snap range on 3D gizmo
Show pin/tack properties at the same time if both types are selected
Guideline snap
Shortcuts for message box
e.g. Press Y → Yes/ Press N → No
Support to import the PAD DXF files
Make curves selected when creation done
Add some context menu
- Surface(2D/3D) - Hold/Harden/Collision
- Curve(2D) - Surface tool
🔄 Changes
- Block fabric placer during simulation
- Change transform group to Avatar transform
- Change avatar tab name from Advance/Legacy to Default/Custom
- Unify scale rule on dragging and dialogue
- Change the range and default value damping
- Image capture changed to 3D capture
- Turn on untangling cloth as the default
- Set custom mesh quality as 0.5
🐛 Fixes
- Check overlapped sewing only on the sewing creating
- Layer number is not saved in the file
- 3D smoothing is not applied on the 0.5cm mesh
- Cannot hover the first object with the tab key
- Stretch damping and global damping was not working so we fixed it
- astar(*) mark doesn't disappear after saving
- Fail to select all the sewing lines in the selection area
- Some patterns have reset on fbx exporting
- Sync simulation during 3D Capture
- Picking bug in 3D view
- Allow selecting a non-collision pattern
- Block selecting hold pattern
- Pressure map is reset when pattern join in simulation
- Patterns are reset partly while scissor fail
- Avatar animation synchronization issue when updating draping items
- Allow scissor if the scissor line is very close to outline
- Cannot export the glTF with the fabric back/side
- Colorway is not saved
- Cutting fold line cause fold side change
- The simulation and sewing go wrong if former draping items have a zipper
- Turning on the smart pinching cause penetration
- Snap while pressing the shift key
- Scissor with intersected curves makes overlapped vertices
- Program stops when scissoring creates zero curves
- Pattern looks weird when turning on the
- Tack align perpendicular is not applied
- 2D selection mode should be changed while changing selection mode in 3d view
- Scaling surface with a dialogue box is weird
- Sewing overlap warning even though there is no sewing
- While sewing tool is selected, undo and redo don't work
- Sewing disappear when I change fold roundness value
- There is no undo history when a selected vertex is moved through short key (arrow key)
- Cannot import OBJ if its name contains a period
- The curve moves twice when moving it by the arrow key
- Cannot switch selection and drawing tool
- Closing stitch doesn’t end the drawing
- Scissor fails to detect the intersection of mutually bisecting lines
- Not restored at once when undo for scissoring a pattern after loading a zls
- Vertex snap does not work after going through the measurement state
- Scissor with intersecting curves doesn’t work
- Offset inner line on mirror surface created in the wrong location
- Change copyright Z-Emotion to z-emotion
- Cannot open the top menu
- The simulation shortcut(space) doesn't work if the top menu is hidden
- The reset shortcut(CTRL+L) doesn't work if the top menu is hidden
- The hovered item and selected item don't match
- Update the title bar app icon
- High-resolution UI bug fix
- The fabric placer wheel is too thick
- The button connection doesn't follow when moving the buttonhole in the 3D view
- If one side of the zipper is made in multiple places in 2D, the sewing direction may be reversed
- Wrong zipper handle position on draping item
- When I selected a custom avatar, it was automatically scrolling up
- When opening zls, self contain avatar is not loaded
- Apply the reset button for stitch width and length
- The tack position changes depending on whether the mesh part is active or not
- zipper UV is broken if the zipper is too wide
- Avatar mesh part info is not saved in the scene (including draping items)
- Avatar distorted when saving different body sizes in each draping item without resetting the simulation
- The Avatar body parameter(ratio) is not changed in pause mode
- Validate tack that is not associated with an avatar
- Fabric repeat size isn’t reflected on exporting glTF
- Buttons disappear if it connected to buttonholes
- ZLS save fail
- Delete the temp file just after crashing
- Prevent opening the newer version of zls in the previous version
- Crash while changing mesh quality on the draping item
- Crash copying self-sewn pattern
- Crash when I export MP4 in custom resolution
- Crash on exporting mp4 with 3D capture if the path contains special characters like Korean
- If the scissor curve contains zero-length curve, the sewing and pattern are distorted and crash
- Multi-sewing crash and no temp file
- Random crash at startup fix
- Crash when dragging multiple curves out surface
- Crash when exporting fbx+mc to a specific zls
- The crash occurs when deleting a vertex.
- non-administrator Windows user runs z-weave after installing z-weave, z-launcher does not work
- The problem of unconditionally deleting the zemotion path in the registry when uninstalling
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