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Pattern Properties


  • Collision
    Collision is the option to skip detecting collision for the surface.
  • When you turn off the option, other surfaces or accessories will ignore the pattern on collision detection.
  • Hold
    option to keep the shape of the surface.
  • Harden
    Harden is the option to apply hard and stiff physical properties on the surface.

Physical Properties

It is possible to modify and apply physical properties to a mesh that has been subjected to Create Cloth.

  • Sim type
    Typically set to KINEMATIC for animated avatars, including animations, and set Dynamic to treat meshes as cloth patterns.
    If the Sim Type is Kinematic/Static, the Physical Properties items are disabled.
    Only when the Sim Type is Dynamic will the Physical Properties items be enabled.
    • Dynamic
      Maya recognizes meshes with the Dynamic property as Cloth Pattern and can have Physical properties applied to it, such as cloth Pattern.

    • Kinematic
      Recognizes avatars with bones and animations.

    • Static
      Maintains its shape during simulation, usually applied to non-animated objects.


  • Weft/Warp
    This feature gives separate properties to the horizontal and vertical directions of the fabric. When enabled, the weft/warp values can be adjusted separately, and when disabled, the same values are applied to the weft/warp based on Weft.

  • Weight
    This parameter indicates the weight per unit area (m²).

  • Stretch
    This parameter indicates how much the pattern(mesh) will stretch in response to its environment.
    The higher the value, the less stretchy it will be, and the lower the value, the more stretchy it will be.

  • Shear
    This parameter describes how much the pattern(mesh) stretches diagonally from the Face (Bias) as it is affected by its environment.
    The higher the value, the less stretchy it will be, and the lower the value, the more stretchy it will be.

  • Bend
    This parameter describes how much the pattern(mesh) bends in response to its environment.
    Higher values will bend less and maintain a flat shape, while lower values will bend more and create soft wrinkles.

  • Thickness
    Higher values of Thickness make it appear thicker, and lower values make it appear thinner. For natural collision handling, set the Collision Thickness to the same value.

  • Boundary Type

  • Collision Thickness
    This parameter refers to the thickness of the Pattern in simulation, not its visual thickness.
    Higher values of Collision Thickness increase the gap between fabrics or between fabrics and the Avatar. Conversely, lower values decrease the gap between fabrics or between fabrics and the Avatar.

  • Friction
    This parameter indicates the friction of the pattern(mesh).
    The Friction you set can be applied to either pattern to pattern or pattern to Avatar.
    The higher the Friction value, the less it will slide when it comes into contact with the pattern(mesh) or Avatar.

  • Elastic
    Indicates the shrinkage rate of the pattern(mesh).
    The lower the value, the more it will shrink after the simulation.
    For example, if you applied 40% Elastic to a 10cm square of fabric, it will shrink to 4cm after simulation. A value of 100% will not shrink.

  • Damping
    Damping reduces rapid changes during simulation.
    The higher the value, the more time it takes to reach the simulation result in the pre-simulation state; the smaller the value, the quicker it reaches the simulation results.
    When damping is high, it can take longer to apply physical properties. It is recommended to reset damping to 0 after the simulation is completed and run the simulation more to the final physical properties.

    • Rigid Damping
      Raising the value helps to keep the pattern(mesh) shape.

    • Stretch Damping
      Raising the value can prevent the pattern(mesh) from stretching rapidly.

    • Bend Damping
      Raising the value can prevent the pattern(mesh) from bending rapidly.
    • Shear Damping
      Raising the value can prevent the pattern(mesh) from shearing rapidly.
    • Global Damping
      Raising the value can prevent the pattern(mesh) from stretching or bending rapidly.
  • Wind Lift
    Activating wind or air resistance will apply additional force to the vertical direction of the wind. The vertical direction should be based on the pattern(mesh) exterior (=Normal direction).

  • Wind Drag
    Activating wind or air resistance will apply additional force to the same direction of the wind.

  • Air Pressure
    Air pressure can give a balloon effect by moving the pattern(mesh) forward/backwards. It is normally used for padded jackets.
    When the value is a positive number, it expands towards the surface direction of the pattern(mesh) (=Normal direction); when the value is a negative number, it swells behind the direction of the pattern(mesh).



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