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Surface is Pattern shown in 3D View.
Users are able to turn on/off 2D Viewing Toolbar > Texture option and to select by 2D Selection Tool >All/Surfaces.



2D Viewing Toolbar > Texture
2D Selection Tool >All/Surfaces


Operation Method


Operation Method 1_Curve Tool

  1. Select 2D Action Toolbar > Curve Tool.

  2. Pick a start point on any blank space in 2D View.

  3. Create more than 3 points and go back to the start point to close curves and make a Surface.

  4. The Surface is created as the inside of the closed curve is filled.

Operation Method 2_Rectangle/Circle Tool

  1. Select 2D Action Toolbar > Rectangle Tool / Circle Tool.
  2. Pick a start point on any blank space in 2D View.
  3. Create desired size of figure by mouse dragging.

Operation Method 3_Surface Tool

  1. Select 2D Action Toolbar > Surface Tool.

  2. Select Inner Curve/Outline/Outer Curve that form a closed shape.

  3. Create the Surface.

  4. Press Enter to create a Surface composed of the selected Curve.
    (Selected Curve should construct closed figure and multiple types of Curve allow to select at time same time.)

  5. The Surface is created as the inside of the closed curve is filled.

Operation Method 4_DXF Import

  1. Operation Method 4_DXF Import
  2. Go to Menu Bar > File > Import > DXF.
  3. Select DXF format file in the file explorer.
  4. Set options on Import Option message box and click OK button.
  5. DXF Pattern appears as Surface in 2D View.

Deactivated Surface

  1. Select Surface you want to convert to Deactivated Surface in Surface Selection Mode.

  2. Turn off Surface > Right Click > Context Menu > Active option.

  3. The Surface is converted to Deactivated Surface.

    Deactivated Surface is not allowed to select in All/Surfaces Selection Mode but only in Deactivated Selection Mode.

Selection Method 1_ Multi Select Surfaces (Shift)


  1. Select Surface by All /Surfaces Selection Mode
  2. Select another Surface while pressing Shift key.
  3. The Surfaces are multi-selected.



Surface is created by using 2D Action Toolbar> Curve/Rectangle/Circle/Surface and also importing DXF format file also could create Surface.
Surface is the allowed to select in All/Surfaces Selection Mode.

Deactivated Surface

Deactivated Surface is the Surface that turned off Active option and it is not allowed to select in All/Surfaces Selection Mode.
Deactivated Surface is allow to select by 2D Selection Tool > Deactivated Selection Mode.



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