Main Menu

  • Updated


Menu Bar includes essential items for using z-weave.



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On the File menu, user can open /save ZLS format and import/ export supported file formats.

  • New
    is a function to create a new workspace

  • Open
    is a function to open ZLS format files that were saved or downloaded.

  • Append
    is a function to open another ZLS file while keeping the current ZLS file open.

  • Save
    is a function to save working data as a ZLS file.

  • Save As
    Save As
    is a function to save working data as a ZLS file with another name.

  • Import
    is a function to open other file formats, such as DXF/ZCAM/AVATAR(FBX/OBJ).

  • Export
    is a function to save the other file formats, such as DXF/ OBJ/ glTF/ ZCAM/ OBJ Sequences/ FBX/ FBX+mc.

  • Recent Files
    Recent Files
    is a function to show a list of ZLS files recently opened.

  • History
    History is a function to display the action history and enables you to jump to a specific step.

  • Exit
    Exit is a function to leave the z-weave program.




On the Edit menu, users can operate various functions such as Undo/Redo, Pin/Tack.

  • Undo/Redo
    is a function to undo and redo actions.

  • Tack
    is a function to attach a point on a Surface to another point on a Surface or Avatar.

  • Pin
    is a function to fix a point on the Surface to the Pin position in 3D View.

  • Quick Move
    Quick Move
    is an arrangement function to attach two points on a Surface to two point on an Avatar in 3D View.

  • Fabric Placer
    Fabric Placer
    is a function to change the direction of Texture, Weft/Warp on a Surface.


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On the View menu, user can operate Gizmo control and Image Saving Option control.

  • Gizmo

    • World Gizmo
      World Gizmo is created based on the X/Y/X axis of 3D View space.

    • Local Gizmo
      Local Gizmo
      is created based on the X/Y/X axis of selected object.
  • Normal
    is an option to show the front direction of the Fabric.

  • Detail View

    Detail View is an option that shows or hides the Preview image when hovering over the Fabric/Avatar icon.




On the Simulation menu, users can control Simulation actions.

  • Start/Pause
    is a function to run and stop a simulation.

  • Step
    is a function that runs the simulation frame by frame.

  • Reset
    is a function to reset the simulation state to an arrangement state.


On the Window menu, users can control the Toolbar and Window.

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  • Reset Layout
    Reset Layout is a function to restore the z-weave window layout as the default.

  • 2D view
    It is an option to show or hide the 2D view

  • 3D view
    It is an option to show or hide the 3D view

  • UI Panels
    UI Panels is an option to show or hide the entire UI Panel on the z-weave window.

    • Show UI panels
      It is an option to show or hide all UI Panels

    • Draping board/ Avatar/ Rendering/ Simulation/ Fabric/ Properties/ Grading/ Camera preset/ Colorway
      It is an option to show or hide specific UI Panel

  • V-Ray Preview
    It is an option to switch the window to V-ray Preview

  • V-Ray Render
    It is an option to open the V-Ray Render window

  • 3D Capture
    It is a function that saves the image shown in the 3D view

  • Timeline
    It is a function to switch to the Timeline mode



  • Preference
    It is a function that loads the preference window.

    • Account

      It shows the sign-in account

    • Alvanon

      Users can set the path for the Alvanon Permission File(APF)

    • DXF

      Users can control the DXF view options. When the option is turned off, it will not appear in the 2D view.

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  • Language
    Language is an option to select the app language.
    z-weave supports English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish, and Italian.


On Help menu, users can get version information and user contents and log out manually.

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  • About
    About is a function that checks the information on the z-weave version.

  • Startup splash
    The startup splash is a window that shows informative links for users.

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  • Manual
    Manual links to the manual page on the website.

  • Samples
    Samples links to the sample downloading page on the website.

  • Community
    Community links to the community page on the website.

  • Contact us
    Community links to the contact us page on the website.

  • Logout
    Logout is a function to sign out of z-weave.
    After selecting Logout, the z-weave window will terminate, and a Login message box will appear.






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