Advanced Physical Properties

  • Updated


Advanced Physical Properties is a function for applying realistic physical features on the surface.



Surface > UI Panel > Fabric > Advanced Physical Properties


Operation Method

  1. Select a surface.
  2. Adjust the value via UI Panel> Fabric> Advanced Physical Properties.
  3. Check whether the desired physical properties are obtained by running the simulation.




Friction shows the resistance of the surface.
You can set the friction for surface to surface or surface to avatar.
The higher the friction value, the less slippery it becomes when contacting the surface or avatar.



Elastic shows the shrinkage rate of the surface.
The lower the value, the more it shrinks after the simulation.
For example, a 10 cm square fabric with 40% elasticity shrinks the fabric to 4 cm. The fabric will remain in the same size at 100% elasticity.



Damping reduces rapid changes during simulation.
The higher the value, the more time it takes to reach the simulation result in the pre-simulation state;  the smaller the value, the quicker it reaches the simulation results.
When damping is high, it can take longer to apply physical properties. It is recommended to reset damping to 0 after the simulation is completed and run the simulation more to the final physical properties.

  • Rigid Damping
    Raising the value helps to keep the surfaces’ shape.
  • Stretch Damping
    Raising the value can prevent the surface from stretching rapidly.
  • Bend Damping
    Raising the value can prevent the surface from bending rapidly.
  • Shear Damping
    Raising the value can prevent the surface from shearing rapidly.
  • Global Damping
    Raising the value can prevent the surface from stretching or bending rapidly.



This function is for controlling the impact of wind and air resistance on surfaces.

  • UI Panel> Simulation> Advanced Setting> Win
  • UI Panel> Simulation> Advanced Setting> Air Resistance
    wind lift

    Activating wind or air resistance will apply additional force to the vertical direction of wind. The vertical direction should be based on the surface exterior (=Normal direction).
    ※Note: Surface direction can be checked by enabling via Menu> View> Normal.

    wind drag Activating wind or air resistance will apply additional force to the same direction of the wind.

Air pressure

Air pressure can give a balloon effect by moving the surface forward/ backward. It is normally used for padded jackets.
When the value is a positive number, it expands towards the surface direction of the surface (=Normal direction); when the value is a negative number, it swells behind the direction of the surface.

※Tip: Surface direction can be checked by enabling via Menu> View> Normal. 






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