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Gizmo is a handle for moving or rotating the selected object.
You can move or rotate the gizmo with either world or local gizmo.
A total of 4 types of gizmos can be used by combining move/ rotate and world/ local.



3D View > 3D Menu > Move Gizmo (W)
3D View > 3D Menu > Rotate Gizmo (R)
Menu > View > Gizmo > World/Local Gizmo (Shift+G)


Operation Method

Move/Rotate Gizmo

  1. Navigate and click 3D Menu > Move/Rotate Gizmo.

  2. When enabling Move/Rotate Gizmo, the option switches from Move Gizmo to Rotate Gizmo and vice versa.

    ※Note: You must position the mouse cursor in 3D view to use the shortcut key.

World/Local Gizmo

  1. Click on the gizmo type via Menu > View > Gizmo > World/Local Gizmo.
  2. When enabling World/Local Gizmo, the option switches from World Gizmo to Local Gizmo and vice versa.


Move/Rotate Gizmo


Move Gizmo

Move Gizmo is used for moving selected objects in 3D view.
The direction of movement changes by clicking on the colored axis.
Red axis moves along the X axis, green along the Y axis, and blue along the Z axis.

Rotate Gizmo

Rotate Gizmo is used for rotating selected objects in 3D view.
The direction of movement changes by clicking on which colored axis.
Red circle rotates along the X axis, green along the Y axis, and blue along the Z axis.


World/Local Gizmo



World Gizmo World Gizmo is generated based on the X/Y/Z axis of the space shown in 3D view.
Local Gizmo Local Gizmo is generated based on the X/Y/Z axis of the selected surface.




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