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The Flip function is to flip a surface up/ down (X-axis), left/ right (Y-axis), and front/ back (Z-axis).



2D View > Surface > Context Menu > Flip > Flip Horizontal/ Flip Vertical / 3D Flip
3D View > Surface > Context Menu > Flip > Flip Horizontal/ Flip Vertical / 3D Flip


Operation Method

  1. Select the surface in All / Surface Selection Mode.
  2. Right-click on the selected surface to open the context menu, then select Flip.
  3. Select the action: Flip horizontal/ Flip vertical/3D flip/Flip normal.

image (19).png


Flip Horizontal

Flip Horizontal is a function that flips the surface left/right.

Flip Vertical

Flip Vertical is a function that flips the surface up/down.

3D Flip

3D Flip is a function for flipping the surface front/back along the Y axis.
Flip Horizontal & Flip Vertical can be seen in 2D and 3D views, but 3D Flip can only be seen in the 3D view.

Flip normal

Flip normal is a function that flips the direction of the face normal.
Flip normal makes the surface flipped horizontally in the 2D view.

image (20).png



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