Version 3.1.114
Date: Dec 2, 2024
✨ New features
- Import single OBJ as a custom button and zipper
- Check CPU and OS
⚡️ Improvements
- Show the on/off option for DXF components in the preference dialogue
- Update translation (English/Spanish/Chinese Simplified/Chinese Traditional/Japanese/Portuguese/Italian/Korean/Turkish)
- Improve to support 3-axis scale on buttons
- Add option to export accessories
- Improve importing and exporting DXF
- Keep turn point information when exporting patterns to DXF
- Convert curve points to smooth points when importing with the curve smoothing option
- Keep the mirror after the scissor
- Allow the unfold on selecting multiple curves
- Update Rozy version
- The rozy format contains artwork
- Remove the rozy itself in the
- Support the other artwork coordination method
- Add timeline mode
- Improve draping item loading speed
- Add Join in simulation option to the avatar
- Export the glTF extras attribute on the node instead of the mesh
- Add context menu to custom button/zipper
- Synchronize start/end frame between timeline setting and export dialogue
🔄 Changes
- Add hotkey to stitch(J)/artwork(K)/button(L) selection in 2D
- Disable the export option in the timeline
- Change Play Cache to Enable Cache
🐛 Fixes
- If the pattern has seam allowance, executing mirror and unfold causes a crash
- Fabric material properties group to be enabled when a substance material is selected
- Some patterns reset the status when I load the draping item, add a logo, and rotate it
- If the pattern has seam allowance, the user cannot draw stitches on the pattern
- When I select the button and buttonhole at the same time, the copy menu doesn't appear on the context menu
- Two vertices remain after turning off the grainline option
- The Darken backside icon has an opaque background
- Scissor & Sew causes the crash sometimes
- The button doesn’t simulate when I run the simulation via the timeline
- Adobe Illustrator cannot read the DXF exported from z-weave
- Grading patterns are created away from the base pattern location
- Some sewing is not completed
- Assert messages appear on executing the Scissor & Sew
- Assert messages appear on executing the make surface
- The Relative to the prior option in the grading panel doesn’t work
- Cannot export OBJ texture
- The grading result is incorrect when executing the unfold on the grading pattern
- Timeline UI minor bugs
- If the u3m physic has a null value, z-weave cannot read it
- When executing the unfold on the pattern, including seam allowance, the pattern is broken internally
- Avatar transform in UI and actual avatar location in 3D don’t match when changing custom avatars
- The notch position matches only the base size and doesn’t match grading patterns
- Fail to load EULA in about dialogue
- The seam allowance is overlapped when unfolding the pattern
- The grainline is duplicated when unfolding the pattern
- Cannot find notch vertex
- The in-file texture is not exported to Rozy
- Notches are not copied when copy/mirror
- Crash when unfolding, copying, and pasting on a pattern with a notch/grainline/seam allowance
- Some patterns reset on appending draping item
- When running simulation without cache in the timeline, draping time does not work properly
- Grainlines are not copied when copy/mirror
- Tacks between clothes disappear when the avatar is removed
- The black frame appears around a splash screen when running the z-weave
- The rozy cannot save the fabric placer information properly
- If the Alvanon avatar fails to load, the default avatar remains even though changing to custom avatar
- The hovered seam point changes when zooming in/out of the 2D view
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